OHARRA: Ekainaren 24-30 bitarteko eskari eta mezuak, uztailaren 1 ean bideratuko ditugu.

Vests as gifts


An elegant gift for a great work

- Create your vest -

Work, effort, tradition, family, teamwork, commitment, dignity, identity. If you want to give something that represents all those values to someone special, text us, and let’s make a vest, however, you want. A little present for someone you love.

The winner can also be a vest carrier

Why don’t we reward a stone lifter competition champion with a vest? Or the champion of any other sport with a vest.

We have done similar things many times, talking beforehand with the staff members and custom-making them with the organizations’ names. The champion is always the champion but they can also be vest carriers.

Vest designed for the champion of the Gipuzkoan Sports Federation championship.

Companies and organizations

- Institutional presents -

The vest is a work symbol. That is why the vest is a great retirement gift, after many years of work it is a nice present to represent a great working partner. It is also a great product to gift to institutional or international working partners, so they take home a piece of our culture.

Enpresak eta erakundeak

- Opari instituzionalak -

Txalekoa lanaren sinbolo da. Horregatik, erretiroa hartzera doan eta urte luzez lanean aritu den lankideari bere jubilazioan oparitzeko aukera da. Baita atzerriko bisita instituzional edo komertzial baten ondoren, bisitariei gure herriko kulturaren adierazgarri gisa oparitzeko ere.

Custom them with a personal message

- Rewards, presents, tribute,…. -

Do you want to gift a vest?

- Fill up the form writing down what you need -

What do you need the vest for? For example, a competition, a tribute, a birthday, international visitors,…

Text us and let’s work together.

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