OHARRA: Ekainaren 24-30 bitarteko eskari eta mezuak, uztailaren 1 ean bideratuko ditugu.



Strength and elegance

301K, 301 kilos, 301 kilograms. 301K is a heavy record.

Stone lifting is more than a sport for me; my family, my job, an effort, a tradition, a culture, and a way of life.

My father lifting stones and my mother sewing threads have made our base. Both strong and elegant, on the stage and at home.

My brand is built from pride and admiration, this is why I want to dress stone lifters.

Father’s stone – Mother’s threads

- Lift from tradition, sew the future -


- Iñaki Perurena Garciarena -

Inaxio, more known as Iñaki in Leitza, was born in a family whose life was based on work. His father Jose Ramon Perurena “Alfaro” and his mother Maria Garciarena are from Lesakenea farmhouse, she is Martin Garciarena’s sister, a well-known woodchopper. Iñaki started wood chopping and moved on to become a great stone lifter.

Even if he is a rancher and a butcher, he is a first-level athlete. Using not as-developed vests and limited resources, he has made historic records. He was the first man to lift a 300kg stone to the shoulder, in 1987 and he got to that record kilo by kilo.

He was the one who took stone lifting from our home stage to the world.


- Maite Zubitur Goñi -

From my mother’s side, I am the 3rd generation of sewers. Her father, Lontxo Zubitur, was a mason, and her mother, Petrita Goñi, was a sewer and a teacher.

Our mother is a special woman; she has different abilities, strength, and elegance. Always ready to work and ready to help, she has unlimited energy.

I want to show my mother’s and other women’s work done at home because it is as important as any other job.

From our stage to the world

- 301K philosophy -

Big things are done in small places.

Leitza is a small town in the mountains of Navarre and it is home to three stone lifters who lifted more than 300kgs (Mieltxo Saralegi, Iñaki Perurena, and Inaxio Perurena).

Our goal is to show the world the work it takes to make the stone-lifting vests because to lift the stones we need to sew threads.

Ameslari baten asmo eta gogoetak

- Zergatik 301K -

Harri-jasotzea eta joskintza, niretzat, bizimodu baten isla dira: familia, lana, benetakotasuna, kultura, origintaltasuna. Ni neu ez naiz inoiz plazan aritu, baina harri-jasotzaileen dotorezia eta indar hori soinean sentitu nahiko nituzke. Horregatik, sortu nahiko nituzte kalerako txalekoak, harri-jasotzaileen jantzietan oinarrituta. Horrela ere apain ikusten naizelako.

Herri-kiroletako profesionalek egiten duten lana balioan jartzeaz gain, dozenaka emakumek historikoki egin duten jostun lan ezkutua ere bistaratu nahiko nuke modu horretara. Izan zirelako baikara. Eta garelako ere izan daitezen.

Stone lifting

Stone lifting is one of the Basque rural sports modalities. Its origin started in stone quarries and stone building makings when workers would bet against each other, on who could lift the bigger stone. Before being a sport, it started as bets, man against man, but it started developing so the playing field was even and rules were made, and a modern sport was created.

Stone lifting is a strength sport, but aerobic capacity, technique, and strategy are also very important. It is a complex and rich sport, there are different categories and modalities: bets, competitions, heavy stones, light stones, long work, speed work, and heaviest stone records,…

Handmade vests, craftsmanship

I am a vest maker and my shop is located in Leitza’s main square. We make 301k vests and sports equipment in HARRI – HARI – TOKI by hand and customized. After we meet up with the lifter, we start the process: measure the fabrics, cut, sew, and finish.

The brand 301K and myself, Maite Perurena Zubitur vest maker are registered on Navarre’s craftsman catalog, Navarre’s northwestern counties textile industry market: CAAR256

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